The unfortunate fate of Mr. Jumpy.
Tut, tut! See, kids, drinking is bad. There's nothing good or attractive about alcohol - I mean, who could possibly enjoy it? Mmm. What kind of madman could enjoy sitting with the balcony doors open ... on a warm summer evening ... with a nice, chilled, crisp bottle of white wine ... for instance?
Did I mention that some of the drugs I'm taking have 'Avoid alcoholic drinks' written on the bottles?
This strip was sent in by Keong C. Thank you, again! And he has a webcomic for you to look at. So look at it, now! :-

Tut, tut! See, kids, drinking is bad. There's nothing good or attractive about alcohol - I mean, who could possibly enjoy it? Mmm. What kind of madman could enjoy sitting with the balcony doors open ... on a warm summer evening ... with a nice, chilled, crisp bottle of white wine ... for instance?
Did I mention that some of the drugs I'm taking have 'Avoid alcoholic drinks' written on the bottles?
This strip was sent in by Keong C. Thank you, again! And he has a webcomic for you to look at. So look at it, now! :-