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Scene 32 - The View from the Other Side: Page 412
Spare Keys for Strange Doors
20140406 - PW

Just discovered that I have a chunk of money in my Project Wonderful advertising account. I guess all those $0.02-a-day from my 'Spare Keys' skyscraper add up? Anyway, I thought I might as well use some of it to advertise Kaspall, and - at the risk of sounding somewhat tacky - was wondering if any of you have suggestions for advertising spots.

Don't worry, if you have your own comic I'm not asking you to give away your secret advertising successes ... but if you're a big webcomic reader, can you think of any that have PW ads, who's readership might also like Kaspall? Eh, even if they aren't great ad spots, it'd be nice to pick up a few new stories to read! I don't have much time for investigating webcomics these days ... :(

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