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- Cast List -

Lucy Lyall Lucy Lyall
This cast list doesn't include everyone who has ever appeared in Kaspall (I did consider doing that, but it got a bit silly). Instead, I've tried to include the regular / semi-regular characters, plus everyone who might appear again in the future - for 'Who the hell is that?' reference purposes.

Please don't expect more information than you would find by simply reading the comic, as I don't want to commit myself to height/weight/complicated-emotional- back story style information that I may later want to rely on in court...
JUMP TO: Green-Acre Street Coneygarth The Psychomantics Interlude Not to mention ...

West Quay Police

The Captain

The Captain
Working on catching the killer. Could be called 'driven', but the friendlier term 'hard-working' would be more appropriate. Witness to an odd attack on a newly arrived Off-Worlder, which may be linked to the case.
First appeared:
Scene 1, pg 11
Harry de Montfort

Harry de Montfort
Slightly disreputable Sergeant. Works closely with the Captain, with whom he maintains a strong friendship. More competent than he would care to admit.
First appeared:
Scene 6, pg 45

Captain's psychomantic specialist. Has a kindly and non-judgemental outlook. If you had to pick someone to crawl inside your brain and at poke traumatic memories, Leela would be your best bet.
First appeared:
Scene 6, page 51

Leela's work partner - a physicomantic specialist. Has a fondness for gadgets not shared by everyone he meets.
First appeared:
Scene 6, page 51
The doctor

The doctor
Forensic specialist. Also physicomantic, but not exceptionally so. Prefers cutting things up to messing about being clever with sorcery.
First appeared:
Scene 6, page 47
Captain Jenner

Captain Jenner
Runs another separate team at the station. Currently not involved in the investigation, but is taking an interest anyway. His help is not always appreciated.
First appeared:
Scene 8, page 66

Green Acre Street

Caroline Lazell

Caroline Lazell
A strong psychomantic sorcerer. In full time education, she is studying daydreams amongst other things. Has an unusual problem kept under control by a spelled tattoo. Claudia is one of the few people who knows about this.
First appeared:
Scene 2, pg 24
Claudia Robertson

Claudia Robertson
Works full time as a waitress in her mother's cafe. Loud, and given to violence, but quite fun to be around if she likes you. Friends with Caroline. Should probably cut down on her drinking.
First appeared:
Scene 2, pg 20
Sam Goldbourne

Sam Goldbourne
An Off-Worlder who arrived in Kaspall two years ago. Works as a pot-wash in the same cafe; as Claudia. Is not particularly enjoying life at present. Needs to work on his social skills and sort out his finances.
First appeared:
Scene 2, pg 18
Alex Grey

Alex Grey
A new intake Off-Worlder, the latest to be 'successfully integrated into society' by the Off World Registration. Emotional range is currently limited to terrified, horrified and stunned. Would probably have some interesting things to say if only he knew the right words.
First appeared:
Prologue, pg 2
Hazel Karswell

Hazel Karswell
Landlord. A physicomantic sorcerer. Has a short fuse with people who owe her large amounts of money. May be hiding something, but then isn't everyone?
First appeared:
Scene 2, pg 21
Avril Issac

Avril Issac
Alex's assigned O.W.R. monitor. Only occasionally intolerably cheerful, Avril is trying to do what's best for Alex. Of course, she would do the same for any of her charges even if she had no ulterior motive whatsoever. She's nice like that.
First appeared:
Scene 10, pg 86
Professor Jaiva

Professor Jaiva
Teaches Caroline, and also knows about her problem. Any links with other members of the cast are not under discussion.
First appeared:
Scene 3, pg 27

Suspects, Victims, Suspicious Characters etc.

Steve Baxter

Steve Baxter
Deceased. Identified as the sixth victim.
First appeared:
Scene 5, page 42
Mary Baxter

Mary Baxter
Apparently unbalanced by Steve's murder. Ignores everyone.
First appeared:
Scene 5, page 40
Roderick Baxter

Roderick Baxter
Mary's second husband.
First appeared:
Scene 6, page 49
John Farrell

John Farrell
Guarding Coneygarth at the time of Steve's murder.
First appeared:
Scene 8, page 71
Ms. Forsythe

Ms. Forsythe
'So you're not completely uneducated. Next question?'
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 153
Mr. Rondin

Mr. Rondin
'Psychomancy doesn't need props, you nonce!'
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 157

'Perhaps the use of body parts has nothing to do with the spell itself'
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 158

'Probably sentient in some way; it obeys simple commands'
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 161
Katherine Ulfor

Katherine Ulfor
'Bea isn't happy unless she has something to complain about'
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 165
Beatrice Ulfor

Beatrice Ulfor
'You're not suggesting our dogs committed murder?'
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 165

'Captain, the Skein is a frightening place. You have no idea.'
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 166
The Lazells

The Lazells
First appeared:
Scene 16, page 170
Joseph Haydon

Joseph Haydon
'I thought? I thought I had a garden?'
First appeared:
Interlude I, page 55

'My Lord, wait! He is not - it would not be wise!'
First appeared:
Interlude I, page 55

Those Guys

Those Guys
'I've never been the empathic type'
First appeared:
Prologue, page 1
That Person

That Person
'It's not polite to stare'
First appeared:
Prologue, page 9
Those Things

Those Things
First appeared:
Scene 5, page 41