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Scene 31 - What You Make It: Page 405
Spare Keys for Strange Doors
20140119 - Evus

Right. I'm now going to take a short break, of two or maybe three weeks. I was going to put something up in that time, and maybe I'll still come up with a quick sketch - but, to be honest, I'm struggling to fit in what I need to do as it is, so most likely there won't be anything :(.

There are two reasons for this - 1) getting a new buffer (it'll only be a couple of pages, but it'll make a big difference to me), and 2) WRITING. Basically, I want to get as much of the rest of the script written up as I can. In fact, I'd love to finish all of it ... but we'll see. I find scripting very difficult, and I can only keep it going for so long ... that's why I'm being a bit vague about the return date.

Sorry for the break, and see you soon!

(Edit: Also, I've moved the Christmas strip over to the Spare Keys website, where it belongs. Apologies for any RSS notifications of a new page ... )

Spiderforest Comic of the Week

Evus by Kirsten Mackey.

Evus is the last of the new Spiderforest Comics to take part in Comic Of the Week. This one is an epic in the very early stages, so it's a little hard to judge how the story is going to play out. However, there's no denying that it's got a lot of charm and some fantastic art.

It was the setting which really sold me ... this is a steampunk fantasy, where everyone lives on islands which float above the clouds - and how can you not love that? Three nations are at war, and cities are dropping out of the sky without any reason or warning. The story follows a boy who fears the same thing will happen to his home ... The characters seem likeable, and the archive is an easy read - so check it out!
20140126 - The Only Half Saga

I'm now going to take a short break, of two or maybe three weeks. I was going to put something up in that time, and maybe I'll still come up with a quick sketch - but, to be honest, I'm struggling to fit in what I need to do as it is, so most likely there won't be anything :(.

There are two reasons for this - 1) getting a new buffer (it'll only be a couple of pages, but it'll make a big difference to me), and 2) WRITING. Basically, I want to get as much of the rest of the script written up as I can. In fact, I'd love to finish all of it ... but we'll see. I find scripting very difficult, and I can only keep it going for so long ... that's why I'm being a bit vague about the return date.

Sorry for the break, and see you soon!
Spiderforest Comic of the Week

The Only Half Saga by Darwin.

The final Comic of the Week is by old-hand Spiderforest member and general good sort Darwin. The comic has been running for a while, but she's recommended new readers to jump into the current story ('Of Dhampirs and Warlocks', linked above), which is a nice quick read, and gives you a good flavour of the series as a whole.

The Only Half Saga is set in a post-apocalyptic future, where vampires and magic mix with advanced technology. The latest story follows supernatural hunter Garrett Kelly, and rebellious teenage vampire Sagira - when these two cross paths, the outcome is anyone's guess ... note, there are some NSFW pages! Earlier stories in the archive focus on Sagira's father, Cabal - who also appears here, and gets shouted at :(.

The comic meshes interesting ideas with some very human stories, and is well worth a look - so check it out!

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